What is the nutrition premise of a parenthood consultantion involve?
I will assist you in balancing body so that it can heal itself by introducing or tweaking your nutritition. My practice is based on traditional nutrition recommendations. Nutrient dense food that is properly prepared. Supporting the body to gentlely and effectively detoxificy. Removing toxins in your life. All can increase your chance of health and to be a parent or become a super parent.
We will reincolutate beneficial microorganisms in your gut, to ensure that you and your baby will have a healthier body, birth, and childhood.
Adding organic, unrefined essential fats and minerals to your diet. Creating a healthy baby and nutrient-rich breast milk t
Therapeutic supplementation, antioxidant, herbal therapies, and genetic analysis may be implemented to make sure your body is functioning at the nutritional optimal level. All of the above protect cellular health (inclusive of the egg AND sperm) from DNA fragmentation and or cellular mutation.
Why is breastfeeding do important?
Breastfeeding is so important because your child’s gut is born not sealed. This means that foods or incorrect formulas introduced at the inappropriate times will simplely irritate the lining and enter the blood. Here problems can arise. We will go over how to breastfeed or pump even if you work full time and reasons that will keep you breastfeeding your child. Some children are ready for food earlier than others but introducing the right food will keep them healthier for the rest of their life. A child’s gut is so ever delicate and can easily be compromised, a child’s gut may not completely seal until 2 years of age. We will work on understanding the right foods for your breast milk and as your child as they grow.
What kind of Commintment is involved?
Breastfeeding is so important because your child’s gut is born not sealed. This means that foods or incorrect formulas introduced at the inappropriate times will simplely irritate the lining and enter the blood. Here problems can arise. We will go over how to breastfeed or pump even if you work full time and reasons that will keep you breastfeeding your child. Some children are ready for food earlier than others but introducing the right food will keep them healthier for the rest of their life. A child’s gut is so ever delicate and can easily be compromised, a child’s gut may not completely seal until 2 years of age. We will work on understanding the right foods for your breast milk and as your child as they grow.