Negative health impact of Toxic Detergents! Get you and your Laundry Room Healthy.
We wear clothes right next to our skin and it is with us all day long and as we slip into Pjs and sheets at night, dry ourselves with...

Unlocking health benefits of Nuts and Seeds
Why we soak or sprout our nuts and seeds legumes and Grains. . . . . . . By Stephanie Brening, NTP Unlocking the benefits of nuts and...

Easy Broccoli
This is a great recipe that you can throw in the oven before you take your work shoes off and is done in time for dinners. Or...

Sunflower butter cups
SUNFLOWER CUPS Delicious healthy treats always a must. A good replacement for any cream filled traditional treats. Having delicious...

Lotion with a Nutritional Twist
LOTION Recently I did a talk on our Microbiome or good gut bacteria and the importance of what we can do to feed and support our good gut...
Replenish -Transdermal Therapy
Why it can be better than taking a vitamin. Transdermal Therapy works by osmosis and bypasses your digestion and is absorbed through your...

Flu Season is in full force!!! Support yourself!!
FLU PROTECTION February 1, 2018 Stephanie Brening, NTP It’s winter, and that means flu season is in full force! After winter, spring...

My resolution “Waste Not Want Not”. . .
Winter is here and the garden no longer is producing vegetables, so most vegetables get bought from the store. So to get the most benefit...

Banana Macaroons
Banana Macaroons Ingredients: 1 Greenish banana 1Tbsp coconut flour 1 egg 1 Tbsp. Milk (Coconut Milk-Native forest simple in a can for...

Cheese and Radish Snack
A summer treat. Cheese and Radishes. On these hot beautiful days something that is a tasty and wonderful for you is a nice cheese and...